9.00 Arrival and coffee
10.00 Welcome
10.10 How is PPAs affected by the current energy crisis, and the direct and indirect electrification?
Electrification of society - drivers and consequences - Max Åhman, Associate Professor, Lund University
Energy crisis and higher energy prices - how are PPAs affected? - Sten Lillienau, Senior Originator, Centrica Energy Trading
The Mærsk-path towards green shipping - Ilyas Muhammad, Senior Business Development Manager, A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S
11.30 Lunch
12.30 PPAs and hydrogen/Power-to-X
EU methodologies for renewable fuels of non-biological (RFNBO) -Henrik Dam, Policy Officer, DG Ener, European Commission (online participation)
PPAs and PtX - Fredrik Bodecker, CEO and partner, Bodecker Partners
Panel discussion: Johan Zettergren, Project Director, Liquid Wind- Jakob Bendixen, Partner, Our New Energy -Rommero Carillo, Director, Business Development, PexaPark - Gregor McDonald, Head of Trading and PPA, European Energy
14.15 Coffee break
14.45 Who are the next PPA off-takers?
Bundling of smaller PPA off-takers - Kim Nielsen, Senior Energy Risk Advisor, Energi Danmark
Off-takers in the heavy industry - Per Tryding, Vice President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden
Panel discussion: Maria Röske, CEO, BayWa r.e. Nordics - Dr.-Ing. Sven Kossack, Head of Customer Solutions Europe, RWE - Mikkel Thorup Hansen, Manager, Power Solutions, Better Energy
15.45 - 16.30 Networking and drinks
Moderator: Mia Bodin, Bodecker Partners